
I wish I could tell you that my life is perfect, but then that would be a lie. Not an uncommon lie, because in reality, whatever stage of life you are really just want to fit in. You want to find your niche. I think that is one of our main goals in life. We all have one common goal...get in where you fit in.

I say this with fragility because I know some people may take offense to what I am saying for the simple fact that they are taking this way too personal and this is just one person's opinion.

Okay enough chitter chatter...I am only saying that we go through life blind in pursuit of a place we can call home. Whether that is a white picket fence with a husband, four kids and a dog or scaling the vast mountains of Tibet. It is whatever makes us happy in the end isn't it?

It is as if we were lacking something in our lives. A place we are trying to fill. An empty soul looking for nourishment.

The reason I am telling you these things is not to preach to you, but to get you to wonder. You are definitely not alone in this universe. Do you realize that God has given you free will to choose the right decisions for your life? To give you a fighting chance over and over again. He loves us so completely unconditionally even when we mess up. What human being do you know that is so loving?

This may sound like a bunch of hooey, but I will tell you that there was a time in my life when I couldn't be bothered with God. I was living my own life...not a care in the world...working hard...reaping the rewards of 2 steady paychecks...when it all went crumbling down. I lost my car, my housing and nearly my life. All because I was concerned about ME and what I could get out of anyone who in my eyes were willing to be suckers. Basically, I used people to get my way... I'm not proud of it, but it is my past.

I surely got a wake up call in more ways than one, but if it wasn't for my mother and her diligent prayers...I don't think I would have made it out alive.

I don't care what anyone says...Jesus is real. I say this from my own experience. Most recently...I was worried about how I was going to get a battery for my car. My car had conked out the day before and luckily my friend was able to help me jump it so I could get home. I prayed that God would allow it to start and allow me to get safely home and he answered my prayer. That night I prayed to God and I told God that I trusted him. That I knew he had provided for me before and I didn't know how he was going to help me get a battery, but I needed him to help me. The following day a battery was provided to me by someone very loving and dear My prayer had been answered.

I trusted...I prayed...I stood in faith...the result was...God delivered me a battery.

I know that sounds really simple, but to be a single mom with no real steady income and barely a leg to stand on...that is a great miracle!

I am thankful to God for his provisions. Even when I don't deserve it, he is always watching out for me.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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Unknown said...

Great first post! Can't wait to read more!

SmoochieLou said...

Thanks DL!! I appreciate the feedback :-)

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